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Green Homes - Bozeman, Montana

Green Homes

Green Homes - Bozeman, MontanaA green home is a residence that has been designed, built, and operated in a way that minimizes its impact on the environment and maximizes its energy efficiency. Green homes may incorporate a variety of features to reduce their energy consumption and environmental impact, including:

  • Energy efficiency: Green homes are designed to be more energy efficient, which means they use less energy to heat and cool the home. This can help reduce energy costs and lower your carbon footprint.
  • Improved indoor air quality: Green homes often feature materials and designs that improve indoor air quality, such as low- or no-VOC paints and finishes, and energy-efficient air filtration systems.
  • Increased durability: Green homes are often built with durable, low-maintenance materials that are less likely to wear out or need repairs, which can save you money over time.
  • Increased resale value: Green homes are becoming more popular and in demand, and they may be worth more when it comes time to sell your home.
  • Lower environmental impact: Green homes are designed to have a smaller environmental impact, which means they use fewer resources and generate less waste. This can help protect the environment and preserve natural resources.

Green homes may also be designed to have a smaller footprint, with a focus on compact and efficient use of space. By reducing their energy and resource consumption, green homes can save homeowners money on utility bills and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Minimising a home’s impact on the environment and maximising its energy efficiency doesn’t require it to be a green home. For both real estate investors and individual home owners Real Estate Impact Management and “Smart Home Management” can mean substantial cost savings and reduce the impact your property has on the environment.

Overall, green homes offer a number of benefits for homeowners in Bozeman, Montana, including lower energy costs, improved indoor air quality, and a smaller environmental impact.

Delger Real Estate advises clients on ways to reduce the environmental impact of homes. Contact Delger Real Estate to learn more about Real Estate Impact Management.

Real Estate Asset Management

Real Estate Asset Management

Real Estate Asset ManagementDelger Real Estate works with owners & investors to increase the value of their properties and improve their return on investment. We help maintain properties, and reduce the burden of real estate ownership. Whether a single personal residence, or a portfolio of investment properties Delger Real Estate has the specialized skills and experience to ensure success.

Real Estate Asset Management is the process of managing and maximizing the value of a real estate asset. Delger Real Estate assists clients in identifying, acquiring, and maintaining properties that generate income or appreciate in value over time.

Real Estate Asset Management Services We Offer

  • Real Estate Investment Strategy
  • Conducting Market Research
  • Identifying & Acquiring Real Estate
  • Budgeting, Forecasting, & Reporting
  • Overseeing Property Maintenance And Repair
  • Home Monitoring(Air Quality Testing, Temperature Monitoring, Leak Detectors, etc.)
  • Impact Management(Reducing Utility Usage)
  • Developing & Implementing Strategies To Increase Property Value(Maintenance/Remodel)
  • Reducing The Burden Of Real Estate Ownership

A property can cost quite a bit of money to maintain when you consider operational costs, maintenance, closing costs, and taxes. Delger Real Estate advises clients on ways to reduce the ownership and maintenance costs of properties. We advise clients on preventative maintenance and repairs, and manage contractors for work performed.

Delger Real Estate also helps clients with Real Estate Impact Management. Buildings are responsible for more than 40% of global energy used, and as much as one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions per the International Standard Organization. Minimising a home’s impact on the environment and maximising its energy efficiency doesn’t require it to be a “green home“. For both real estate investors and individual home owners Real Estate Impact Management and “Smart Home Management” can mean substantial cost savings and reduce the impact your property has on the environment.

Delger Real Estate assists clients with implementing home monitoring sensors for temperature drops, water leaks, and more. Furnace outages and water leaks can cause serious damage to your home, especially if undetected. Placing water leak detectors near repeat offenders like sump pumps, water heaters, washers or sinks can help you mitigate water damage by sending alerts. Temperature monitors send alerts when the internal temperature of property drops below a safe level. Automatically monitoring temperature drops and water leaks provides peace of mind to owners, and prevents expensive maintenance repairs.

Please Contact Delger Real Estate to learn more about Real Estate Asset Management.

Real Estate Impact Management

Real Estate Impact ManagementBuildings are responsible for more than 40% of global energy used, and as much as one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions per the International Standard Organization. For both real estate investors and individual home owners Real Estate Impact Management and “Smart Home Management” can mean substantial cost savings and reduce the impact your property has on the environment.

Reducing Water Usage

Real Estate Impact Management and Smart Home Management for reducing water usage can be as simple as ensuring that sinks and toilets are not leaking. The average North American household wastes about 10,000 gallons of water from household leaks every year. About one in ten homes have severe leaks that waste 90 gallons or more per day. Approximately 27% of a typical home’s water usage comes from toilet flushing. A leaky toilet can have a major impact on water bills. A leaking toilet can lead to thousands of gallons of water used every month. A constantly running toilet may waste about eight gallons per hour, or 200 gallons per day. Left unnoticed, a running toilet could waste over 6,000 gallons per month. The toilet is one of the most common water wasters but its leaks tend to be less noticeable than faucet leaks. We can help you identify if toilets and sinks are leaking.

Frequent Causes of High Water Usage

Leaks and drips aren’t the only contributing factors to high water bills. Other wasteful practices that drive up costs include:

  • Running the dishwasher partly full (wastes 320 gallons per year)
  • Leaving the tap open when you brush your teeth (wastes 8 gallons per day)
  • Letting the water run for five minutes while washing dishes by hand (wastes 10 gallons every time)
  • Failing to fix a broken sprinkler head (wastes 2,400 gallons per month)

Frequent Causes of Damage From Water Leaks

Relatively innocent leaks drip water from the source into the drain or sewer line. This wastes water and costs you money, but it doesn’t cause any damage. However, leaks from pipes, fittings, and hoses can damage your home and lead to high repair costs. Besides your sinks and toilets, here are the other places to watch out for leaks:

  • Washing machine hoses
  • Refrigerator
  • Dishwasher
  • Plumbing under kitchen and bathroom sinks
  • Pipes
  • Roof
  • Windows and doors

Whether you’re worried about high bills or water damage, it’s worthwhile to find and stop leaks quickly. We can help you identify and fix water leaks.

Reducing Electricity Usage

Real Estate Impact Management and Smart Home Management for reducing electricity usage can be as simple as replacing old incandescent light bulbs with modern LED lighting. LED lighting has lower energy usage which reduces electricity costs. LED lighting lasts longer which reduces maintenance costs. LED lighting generates less heat, which reduces costs associated with cooling homes on warm summer days. We encourage our clients to turn off power sources when they aren’t being used in order to cut back on costs and save energy.

Reducing Heating and Cooling Costs

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 49% of a home’s energy bill is spent on heating and cooling. One of the main reasons your energy bills might spike during the winter months is because your home isn’t properly insulated. According to the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA), 90% of single-family homes in the U.S. are under-insulated, so chances are high that your house could use some work. Homes built prior to 1960 are particularly vulnerable.

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) is the use of various technologies to control the temperature, humidity, and purity of the air in an enclosed space. The goal is to provide thermal comfort and acceptable indoor air quality. Real Estate Impact Management and Smart Home Management for reducing HVAC costs starts with proper HVAC maintenance. Good HVAC maintenance results in less energy consumed and increases the useful life of the equipment. We suggest that filters and systems be checked at regular maintenance intervals. A well-maintained system will cost home owners less over time and lower energy costs.

Your heating and cooling systems might be operating at peak efficiency, but if your home is not adequately insulated, you may be wasting money on your monthly electricity bill and gas bills. A home’s insulation helps with heating and cooling all year round. If your insulation is lacking, your heating and cooling equipment have to operate longer to achieve your desired indoor temperature, which means added utility costs, shortened equipment life, and higher impact on the environment. The EPA estimates that the average homeowner can save 15% on heating and cooling costs (11% of total energy costs) by adding insulation in attics, crawl spaces, and basement rim joists.

Conducting an energy audit of your home will give you the best idea of where to focus your insulation upgrades. Though for most homes—again, especially those built before 1960—it’s safe to say that the attic is the place to start.

Reducing Air Leaks

Real Estate Impact Management and Smart Home Management for reducing air leaks begins by making a list of obvious air leaks (drafts). The potential energy savings from reducing drafts in a home may range from 10% to 20% per year, and the home is generally much more comfortable afterward.

Check for indoor air leaks, such as gaps along the baseboard or edge of the flooring and at junctures of the walls and ceiling. Also check for leaks on the outside of your home, especially in areas where two different building materials meet. Other places to check for leaks include windows, doors, lighting and plumbing fixtures, switches, and electrical outlets. Also check for open fireplace dampers. See detecting air leaks for detailed instructions on finding air leaks yourself.

Please Contact Delger Real Estate if you would like to learn more about Real Estate Impact Management for your property.