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160 ACRES OFF MT HWY 287, ALDER MT 59710


If you are looking for an elk hunting getaway, you will not want to miss this one! This 160 acres is situated about two and a half miles south of MT Hwy 287 between Alder and Virginia City. The property borders BLM land and offers expansive mountain views in all directions. Improvements include an 864 sq ft cabin, a gazebo, and a storage container. A generator runs lights and television, stove and refrigerator run on propane, and solar is set up to run the water. The adjoining 160 ac parcel to the south is also available. Keywords: 160 acres off MT Hwy 287, Alder MT 59710, Alder, MT, Madison/Beaverhead/Jefferson, 7MR – Madison – Ruby Valley, Madison County, None Subdivision, Land, , Hunt, Hunting, Hunting Property, Elk, Elk Hunting, Elk Hunting Property, BLM, Bureau of Land Management, Public Land MLS# 394280


Craig Delger
Craig Delger

I am interested in 160 acres off MT Hwy 287, Alder MT 59710.



  • Price: $464,000 
  • Acres: 160 
  • Price/Acre: $2,900 
  • Status: Contingent 
  • Property Search Type: Land 
  • MLS#: 394280 
  • Address: 160 acres off MT Hwy 287, Alder MT 59710 
  • City: Alder 
  • Zip: 59710 
  • Property Area: 7MR - Madison - Ruby Valley 
  • Subdivision: None 
  • Water Features: None 
  • Heating/Cooling:  
  • View: Mountains, Rural, SouthernExposure, Valley 
  • Utility Services: Propane, None 
  • Listing Date: 2024-07-22 
  • Listing Agent: Nicholette Picken of Berkshire Hathaway - Sheridan 
  • Search Terms: 160 acres off MT Hwy 287, Alder MT 59710, Alder, MT, Madison/Beaverhead/Jefferson, 7MR - Madison - Ruby Valley, Madison County, None Subdivision, Land, , Hunt, Hunting, Hunting Property, Elk, Elk Hunting, Elk Hunting Property, BLM, Bureau of Land Management, Public Land